The Power to Change

Change comes from our awareness of what we want, the choices that are available to us, and clarity about the collective forces opposing us

About Nancy Shanteau

What happens *after* liberation? We’ll still need to recenter ourselves, communicate  and work together to create lives that reflect our values and bring us connection and joy. I’ve dedicated my life to creating pragmatic, actionable methods for surviving the challenges that arrive and creating the changes we want  

Get Ready for What’s Coming

Everything we want and need to do takes skills and each other –> Join a group of learners who are committed to radical, embodied learning, cooperation and community-building



Irreverent Answers to Life’s Big Questions


I just need to share that I’ve gotten into a habit of googling “nancy shanteau xyz” anytime I have a problem in my life

- Vick Baker

With over 80+ audio & video posts and articles, the power to change is within your reach…

A person with magenta ombre long hair wearing a fedora looks down while holding their arms and smiling. Title says

It’s so helpful when we wait until we have enough energy to make a change.

That’s why “slow change, low harm” is such a helpful approach to making big changes. Take away the pressure, add compassion and patience, and align yourself with what you want to experience.

After 17 years of making slow changes, I can attest to the longevity and ease of making changes this way.

It works and it *doesn’t* hurt!

No pain, no pain.

Now that’s what I’m talking about.

A graphic with a red haired person facing the viewer with a speech bubble showing an exclamation point. A second person with caramel hair is facing away from the viewer. The title reads


When something goes down in a relationship, it can be confusing to figure out what *really* happened.

  • Is it your fault or the other person’s? Does fault-finding even help?
  • Whose responsibility is it to make the first move to repair and reconnect?
  • If someone’s asking you for accountability for your part, how do you even begin to figure out what’s required of you?

By exploring the sequence of events, how you felt, and the stories you made up about the other person’s motivations, you can start to build a big picture understanding of the events…

…and even more importantly, figure out what you want next.

A photo of a father and son working together in the kitchen.

Sometimes, all the members of a household are not equally capable of doing all the household labor. Likewise asking someone to complete an “equal” share of the chores might disproportionately and negatively affect them.

When the amount of energy and effort it takes for one person to complete their share is vastly greater than the energy and effort it takes for others to do similar tasks…

…it’s time for us to reconsider what’s “fair” and “equal.”

Are there perks to membership? You bet your cute boots!

When you join the Skills for Changemakers Patreon community, you select which rewards you want with your membership, ranging from access to a private Patron-Only Facebook Group, participation in the Coaches & Practitioners Working group, unlimited self-paced classes and more

Trust Formula from Nancy Shanteau's Trust-Building Worksheet. Illustrations by Patrick Stein.

Get Your Copy of the Trust-Building Worksheet


 What happens when trust gets broken…

  • Understand what you want for next time
  • Protect yourself and support others
  • Move past distrust and disconnection, and...
  • Repair and reconnect!

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