Collective liberationist, philosopher and change agent
Your social ethics *can* pay the bills.
I’m living, breathing proof of it.
With crises coming fast
It’s time to level up our skills
With an unbroken radical lineage at my back and two decades of experience working with individuals, relationships, families, teams and organizations, I’ve helped students take the leap into values-aligned, care-driven, meaningful work. Skills for Change Coaches & Cooperative Communication Practitioners help their clients speak their truth, listen with compassion, ask for what they want, embody boundaries and negotiate agreements.

My Philosophy
I believe people need safety and a feeling of connection and love in order to change.
In order to get what we want, we need to shift how we live. And in order to do that we need to reimagine the big systems that rule our lives.
We’re not going to be capable of shifting how we live if we don’t transform ourselves.
The personal and the political are always intertwined. When we take power in our personal lives, it increases our ability to dismantle oppressive systems.
The opportunity for change is within reach…
And you don’t have to do it alone
My commitment to bringing power-informed embodied change theory and praxis to a community that demands justice, equity, and compassionate accountability remains foundational. We cannot meet the coming challenges alone, and we aren’t ready as individuals and communities to meet our current needs, much less what the future requires from us.
It’s my life’s work and legacy to offer community members the skills of empowered consciousness, context-based power analysis, and collective action. And it’s why I’m committed to certifying 10,000 Cooperative Communication Trainers by 2031.
We don’t just *think* about the changes we want to see, we practice them, and embody the skills to make our vision happen in our lives, families, groups and organizations.
Balancing my social ethics with the pragmatic requirements of making a living hasn’t always been easy…
When I started my coaching business, I committed to living my radical values, and serving people who wanted to do the same. That meant setting an accessible price for my services, with a sliding scale and scholarships for the underserved.
Most of us are struggling to survive capitalism, trading an hour of our time for the money we need to pay bills and buy necessities.
Nurturance is undervalued in an exploitative marketplace, yet it’s often exactly what people are missing in their lives.
Today, I help coaches, community leaders, and everyday folks change the internally oppressive worldview that often keeps us chasing things that will not fulfill us.
And I want you to be able to do it too.

“We are the leaders we’ve been waiting for.”
June Jordan
Changes to how we live have always come from the hard work of people-powered movements. We face threats to our well-being from all sides. It’s up to us to decide how we want to live, and to build systems and governance that support our vision of community, connection and cooperation.
Whether you’re a seasoned organizer, or you’re just starting out and longing to make a difference in your work and life, I’m here to help you build skills and make offers that transform your daily experience of work and relationships.
So what’s next?
Since you’re still reading, you must be a co-visionary in the pursuit of sustainable and satisfying lives that work for *most* of us.
I want you to have everything you need to get started. And trust is both the root and the crown of the community tree we are growing into.
That’s why I wrote the Trust-Building Worksheet, so you can quickly understand what happens when trust gets broken, create an accountability plan for how to address similar situations in future, build the power to protect yourself and trust others, and move past distrust and disconnection.
It gives you a step-by-step way to analyze where things went wrong, and practical solutions for how to empower everyone involved so that our future is filled with mutual trust-based relationships.
From there, I’ll show up in your inbox with practical solutions to intractable power struggles, communication and cooperation resources, and ways for us to work and learn together.
Thanks for the opportunity to help you align your values with your daily work.
This is just the beginning of your communication confidence and clarity.
With intention and attention,